Agnes Cassidy: freshman at WVU, avid blogger, ghost hunter; 1/5 of MAPI
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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Cheat Lake

I've been neglecting my blog with all of the end-of-term assignments and upcoming finals. I've also regrettably been neglecting MAPI. It's frustrating that I don't have enough time for what I'd rather be doing, but I suppose in order to continue what I love, I should make sure my grades a decent enough so I can return to Morgantown next year. 
I've grown rather fond of the other members. While they all have their little quirks (Alcyone seems to talk to herself at times, Peter has his phone glued to his fingers) I couldn't have imagined my freshman year without them. 
God, this is so sappy. It sounds like I'm leaving them forever. 
So, we've arranged an investigation, one to sort of bring us back to the beginning. This weekend, instead of studying, which is something I should be doing, I'll be camping out in Cheat Lake with the MAPI group. Cassie mentioned that we may have more of a chance for a ghostly encounter since she's had luck there before. Plus, other than her encounter in Cheat Lake being the thing that brought us together, we haven't really investigated it. 
I've never really been fond of camping. I think it's because one of Liz's suitors, Bill, lived in a camper without electricity or running water. He was a strange, strange man. He was loaded, but thought that the 'simple life' gave him perspective. 
I probably won't be updating until after the camping trip. 

Friday, April 20, 2012

Feeling Bitter

Liz's book has really been taking off. B&W Publishing seem to want to get this book off the ground as soon as possible, which, as suspected, makes Liz extremely happy.
So happy, that I wake up to handy little pictures of her promotion tour.

Like a picture of the 'Welcome to Ohio' sign. Because, having lived in Ohio, I've never noticed that sign before.

Or a picture of a sign, because I care. 

And finally, the bookstore set up for her very first book signing. So exciting. 

I should be happy for her success. After all, it's taken her my entire childhood to get a publisher interested in a book. It's just that it took my childhood to get them interested. That's what bothers me. 

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Liz's book, the truth, and the red rocking chair

I've been doing a lot of thinking since Liz announced B&W Publishing agreed to publish her book. I couldn't push it out of my mind, as much as I tried.
Liz, my mother, was going to be famous from writing a true haunting that happened to her own daughter.
It happened in the house that I lived in my senior year of high school. And it happened almost immediately.
Liz and I arrived the night before the moving truck did, so we settled into the living room for the night. The sleeping bags and lack of running water and electricity made me feel like a homeless person. I kept hearing scuttling which I attributed to mice at the time so I dismissed it.
The next morning, when the moving trucks arrived, I was carrying some of Liz's boxes into the spare room. The door knob was stuck, so it took me a few shoves to get the door open, but I was immediately struck with an all too familiar eerie tingle down my spine. I rolled my eyes, of course it was another haunted house.
I remember taking the boxes to the furthest corner of the room, knowing that there was more to be brought up. I also remember the door creaking shut and I attributed it a worn hinge. But when I turned to leave, the door wasn't there.
Immediately a panicked feeling bubbled up into my throat. I tried to remain calm, but it was nearly impossible as I did a full 360 scanning for the door.
I remember closing my eyes to count to five. But I only got to three before I heard the same scuttling sound I heard the night before, except with it being much closer, it reminded me more of a rocking chair than mice in the walls.
I could feel my heart beating erratically, my palms were shaking, and was taking a few steadied breaths.
When I opened my eyes, I moved my attention to the center of the room, where there was a tiny red rocking chair and a small boy with a malicious grin on his face.
I screamed, pounding on the walls begging for Liz to find me. I've experienced presences in houses before, but I've never experienced a full body apparition until then.
After that, I steered clear of that room. Even though my room was a paper thin wall away, the boy seemed to be confined to that room. And with my music loud enough I could drown out the sound of rocking.

early mornings, publishing, and Liz

I woke up to this text from Liz:
I'm bitter. I should have had at least two more hours of sleep. 

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

I guess I'm evil, huh?

I think Alcyone's parents have been trolling my blog...

And I don't much care for it.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Surprise Visit

A Surprise Visit pt. 2

I'll apologize, as my lack of posts directly correlate with my having lived in the library for the past week. I've been regrettably slacking in my classes this semester, so its been a lot of make-up and cramming for tests. I'm not entirely pleased with myself for neglecting my schooling, but hey, it's Morgantown.
I was going to make a quick post on Friday before I went out to Vice with Michele and her friend Paul, but before I'd even finished classes I received this text from Liz:

Liz wasn't much of a spontaneous person, but when she doesn't hear from me in over two weeks, she gets a little antsy.
So I embarked on a five hour trip to somewhere, Ohio...
Where we didn't have internet...
And the cell tower was down...

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fifth Investigation: Frat House

I've discussed the supposed haunting of the frat house in an earlier post, but we've finally gotten around to investigating it.
While we didn't have official permission, thanks to one of their many house parties I was able to get in and let the others in through the basement door.
Visiting the frat house knocked out several thing for me. First, it was a way to get Michele off my back for consistently backing out on partying on weekends. Two, I've been wanting to crash a frat party for months now. Three, MAPI has been itching for another investigation for months. Four... I'm not sure that there is a four.
Anyway, I snuck into the party at midnight with Michele who immediately migrated to a few of the frat boys. This didn't bother me as much as it would have.
After Michele disappeared I snuck downstairs to let the others in. By sneaking, I mean I just walked downstairs. Anyone who was in charge was already wasted or doing keg-stands.
They were willing to get right down to business, Peter set up the equipment while Cassie and Tim scouted out the basement. Alycone flitted between scouting and helping Peter set up the equipment. I stood look-out.
While the investigation was a bust, I didn't mind spending my night with MAPI in an old, dark basement.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fourth Investigation: Boreman Hall

This is going to obnoxiously short, but I've been up for almost 24 straight hours and I still have two exams to study for. 
I just got back from investigating Boreman Hall. It's supposed to be the most haunted dorm on campus and we were asked to investigate the dorm by one of the inhabitants. It was rather routine, and the only real evidence was a picture that Tim took. You can see the picture on his blog

Friday, March 9, 2012

Michele, Ben/Tim, and my Drunken Rant

I’ve always found it strange that it can be a blistering cold one day and in the high 70’s the next. Yet, this is what I’ve experienced this past week.
 While the week had been hell for me (cramming for midterms, group projects and the like) I was moderately surprised that when Friday came, the weekend cleared up for me. And further, that it was beautiful all weekend.
On Friday I went out to Copper Beech with my new roommate, Michele, and some of her friends. Despite my prior expectations of her being a cheerleader (she is) and being obnoxiously girly (she is) I can’t help but find myself liking her. And I found myself liking her friends, as well.
 But as many Friday nights in Morgantown go, some gets a little too drunk, pukes, and makes an ass of themselves. In the past, I’ve prided myself on knowing when I’ve had enough and I know to keep myself composed.
This time I was the ass. And some poor sod had to take care of me. His name may have been Ben or Tim, but who knows?
 The remainder of the evening I know only through stories relayed by Michele and Ben/Tim. I was found in a dingy bathroom in a heap on the floor. Ben/Tim said that he heard someone bawling inside and when he went to knock he heard, “Help! I can’t find the door!”
Although the door was unlocked and allowed him easy entry, he said that it still took him a while to get me to calm down. I was hysterical, screaming (much to my embarrassment) that in addition to not finding a door, the walls were also closing in “that little boy in the rocking chair keeps staring at me.”
I don’t think I’ll be drinking anymore.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Third Investigation: West Run Road

We've been into Cemeteries lately. Last night we met up at the West Run Road cemetery at around midnight. It was pretty chilly, and I was glad that I had packed Michele's north face.
Like the last cemetery, nothing really happened worthy of note. Although we're still going through pictures and film so fingers crossed.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Second Investigation: Oak Grove Cemetary

I'm typing out a quick post while it's still fresh in my mind.
Investigating with MAPI (we've decided on a name) has been something of a rush for me. I've been finding myself researching hauntings in class, dreaming of investigations, and embarrassingly enough, opting out on parties to plan more investigations.
So, of course, I feigned a cold when Michele asked if I was coming out tonight - last night - I don't know.
Cassie texted me earlier today -yesterday- to see if I was free to investigate Oak Grove Cemetery. I immediately told her I would.
While the investigation turned up slim results, I still had more fun trespassing in a cemetery than I would have if I'd gone with Michele. Peter and I managed to get a few interesting pictures. I can't post them because I'm still looking through all of the pictures to see if I missed something.
I'm already excited for the next adventure.

Friday, February 24, 2012

late nights, local hauntings, and my reckless mother.

I just got done with an exhausting telephone conversation with Liz. Apparently she took the liberty of setting aside her latest book to research some of the local hauntings. She went over the more common tales: the headless co-eds, Hotel Morgan. She even rehashed the East Boreman haunting (at one point of the summer she was insistent that I dorm there). But she even surprised me with a few of the lesser known hauntings.
For example, the Seneca Center apparently used to be an old glass factory before it was converted into a shopping center. There were reports of it being haunted - door opening and closing when no one is around, strange noises, that sort of thing.
And of course, I felt obliged to share what I’d learned.
One of the guys in my English class was talking about a supposed haunting at the Beta Theta Phi fraternity a few weeks ago. His older brother is a pledge there and several of his friends have reported hearing clanging of chains in a lower room of the house. Some believe that it is the ghost of a former butler that worked there in the 1940s while others believe that it is the ghost of a homeless person that they charitably let live there who hung himself in the 80s.
Although the conversation may have been lengthy, I was acutely aware of how little we have to talk about. My mother’s world is immersed in the paranormal, the woman is generally reckless and I was left wondering on countless occasion throughout my childhood if I were better off with my grandparents.
But when my answer to that question was a resounding “yes”, I was six months shy of eighteen and moving didn’t really seem like the wisest option.

Monday, February 20, 2012

First Investigation: Hotel Morgan

   The group that I met with at Jay's finally arranged to meet at Hotel Morgan last night. 
   When we got there, we decided to split up (How Scooby-Doo of us). In every group there's always the token member that opposes splitting up and that was me, but because I was the youngest member, I chose to keep my mouth shut. 
   The investigation was dull for the most part. It was routine, scoping out all levels of the hotel and attracting the eye of some rather nosy guests. Of course, our unwarranted attention may have something to do with us carrying around some borrowed camera equipment. Winky face.
    I was even more put off when we found the room where the drowned girl was found. It seemed like any normal hotel room to me. When Cassie and Alcyone went to go find Tim to let him know we found it I flopped down on the bed, fiddling with the camera while Peter stuck his hand into the bathroom to take pictures. Not his body, just his hand.
   I remember thinking how boring this was, and that maybe arranging meet-up to investigate hauntings in Morgantown was a dull idea. 
   Then, Tim came in. He was practically pouring with sweat, his eyes a little beady. 
    I was just sitting, nonchalant on the bed, when I heard multiple things falling in the bathroom. Just as I had whipped my head around to the bathroom door, Tim emerged, stumbling out of the bathroom and into the hall. 
    That's when I realized that maybe investigating ghosts was what I had been missing. It was such a rush. 

Friday, February 17, 2012

weekends, libraries, and websites

It's been a strange and hectic weekend for me, and I'm glad it was.
I've been juggling a 7 to 10 page English paper, studying for a biology exam, and for a history exam. It's been club lib for this girl all weekend and I've never been more tired of silence and books. Not that I was extremely fond of either to begin with...
I've been avoiding all messages from my cell phone and all forms of social media, because it seems like everyone was throwing a party this weekend. And I give into temptation too easy. Sad Face.
Michele swears she understands... but I got this and several others.

(She'll hate me for posting this)

Enough of school, that's not even what the majority of my weekend was filled with.
Although I haven't mentioned this, I've been corresponding with the group that I met at Jay's. It's mostly involved sending links and sharing supposed hauntings with one another, but Friday, Peter mentioned that it would be interesting to investigate the some of these supposed hauntings, and the others (myself included) agreed.
We've tentatively arranged a meet-up to investigate the Clarion Hotel Morgan soon.
Oh, and with the suggestion of Cassie and Tim, Peter agreed to toy with a possible website for our group.
I'm actually quite excited.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Meeting at Jay's

I was obnoxiously early for meeting the people at Jay's.
Which allowed me to purchase some coffee to sip on while I wait.
I made awkward eye contact with each person that came into Jay's. I kept thinking, "Is that one of them?"
It felt like something you would find in a sitcom.
As hopeful as I was, thinking that maybe I finally met someone with the same questions as I had, I couldn't help but feel uneasy about meeting people I had met online (stranger danger, anyone?)
But they were all generally normal. By my standards, not society's. They each had their own stories, and I sympathized with each of them.
Especially of Alcyone's story of her strict parents. While I couldn't begin to fathom how hard her life was, I could almost relate.
Cassie was more antsy that I realized. It was obvious that her run-in with the headless co-eds really got to her, and I could tell that she was relieved to meet people that shared a similar experience.
Tim, while he didn't really divulge any personal experience, seemed to take everyone's stories in with eyes wiser than his years.
And Peter, an older man that Cassie introduced as a freelance reporter, was similar to Tim in his silent introspective demeanor, but wrote everything down on a notepad. I couldn't help but notice that perhaps he seemed a little too eager to hear that others had a paranormal experience...

meeting at Jay's

I heard back from the girl that had a run-in with the Cheat Lake co-eds and am pleasantly surprised that others in the area would like to hear about her experience.
I'm just about to leave to meet the group at Jay's. I'm a little nervous.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

just a quick post

It was beautiful out today and it was hard not to take advantage of it. I spent the majority of my day wandering around Morgantown with my camera.
The days in Morgantown seem shorter to me. It’s amusing how quickly the weeks seem to pass here, because in high school they seemed to drag on forever.
When I got back to my room I decided to peruse through some blogs, which usually results in a lot of My First Blog or Pictures of my Children. So I was drawn to a blog by a WVU student that recently encountered the headless coeds of Cheat Lake.
You can see her blog here. Also, it’s on my favorites list. 

zebra, pink and Marilyn Monroe: new roommate

I seem to have an ever-revolving door of roommates as I’ve been placed with five so far. The first, Amanda, switched to Summit mid-summer. The second, Bridgette something, never showed up on move-in. Colleen was the third, and also the alleged bulimic. Asia was the fourth and probably bathed three times in the two weeks before she transferred to a community college “closer to home.”
And the fifth I have yet to meet. I just know she exists because the other side of the room is decorated in zebra and pink with a Marilyn Monroe poster.
I usually reserve judgment, as I try not to be a catty girl, but I can’t help but feel slightly anxious with the combination of zebra and Marilyn. From experience, the combination translates to a fake-baking platinum blond cheerleader.
I was never one of those girls. 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

A. Cass Hauntings

View A. Cassidy in a larger map

conception, college and my mother is a gypsy

Liz got my name from a headstone. Or, at least that’s what she told me. She was working as a mausoleum clerk and shacking up with a guy that called himself Dodge around the time I was conceived.
While his real name was Roger, I couldn’t help but admire how well Dodge befits him. As the story goes for most teenage pregnancies, Roger dodged when Liz dropped the ‘p’ word.
Liz describes the next nine months as the worst of her life. “No one wants to shack up with the pregnant chick, Aggie.” She reminds me.
Coincidentally, those nine months may be the longest she’s ever gone sans beau, but I digress.
I would consider Liz something of a gypsy. In the eighteen years with Liz, I’d lived in five different states. Liz fancies herself a science fiction author, but she’s had to hold several low paying jobs to make ends meet.
 Currently she’s working in the lingerie department in Target while shacking up with Bail Bondsman Bernie.
Now, I’ve never met Bernie, as he’s a fairly recent development and this is my second semester in college, but Liz assures me that he’s a “superb” sort of guy. Frankly, when I think of Bernie I imagine overweight and balding and those attributes aren’t typically something I associate with superb, but Liz is notorious for thinking the best of people.
She’s also notorious for her erratic behavior, which is why I opted for WVU as my choice college over Ohio U where Liz currently presides.
However, distance isn’t the only reason why I chose WVU. Who really chooses WVU for trivial things like distance or academic rating anyway?
While I can laughingly say I chose it because of its party school rating (#1!), it all boils down to the MAPI organization.