Agnes Cassidy: freshman at WVU, avid blogger, ghost hunter; 1/5 of MAPI
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Thursday, April 5, 2012

Fifth Investigation: Frat House

I've discussed the supposed haunting of the frat house in an earlier post, but we've finally gotten around to investigating it.
While we didn't have official permission, thanks to one of their many house parties I was able to get in and let the others in through the basement door.
Visiting the frat house knocked out several thing for me. First, it was a way to get Michele off my back for consistently backing out on partying on weekends. Two, I've been wanting to crash a frat party for months now. Three, MAPI has been itching for another investigation for months. Four... I'm not sure that there is a four.
Anyway, I snuck into the party at midnight with Michele who immediately migrated to a few of the frat boys. This didn't bother me as much as it would have.
After Michele disappeared I snuck downstairs to let the others in. By sneaking, I mean I just walked downstairs. Anyone who was in charge was already wasted or doing keg-stands.
They were willing to get right down to business, Peter set up the equipment while Cassie and Tim scouted out the basement. Alycone flitted between scouting and helping Peter set up the equipment. I stood look-out.
While the investigation was a bust, I didn't mind spending my night with MAPI in an old, dark basement.

1 comment:

  1. You should have heard some of the things Fachtna was saying about the frat guys! Yeah, I didn't really sense much of anything there. I think they just say it's haunted to mess with the new guys.
