Agnes Cassidy: freshman at WVU, avid blogger, ghost hunter; 1/5 of MAPI
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Saturday, April 14, 2012

A Surprise Visit pt. 2

I'll apologize, as my lack of posts directly correlate with my having lived in the library for the past week. I've been regrettably slacking in my classes this semester, so its been a lot of make-up and cramming for tests. I'm not entirely pleased with myself for neglecting my schooling, but hey, it's Morgantown.
I was going to make a quick post on Friday before I went out to Vice with Michele and her friend Paul, but before I'd even finished classes I received this text from Liz:

Liz wasn't much of a spontaneous person, but when she doesn't hear from me in over two weeks, she gets a little antsy.
So I embarked on a five hour trip to somewhere, Ohio...
Where we didn't have internet...
And the cell tower was down...

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