Agnes Cassidy: freshman at WVU, avid blogger, ghost hunter; 1/5 of MAPI
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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Fourth Investigation: Boreman Hall

This is going to obnoxiously short, but I've been up for almost 24 straight hours and I still have two exams to study for. 
I just got back from investigating Boreman Hall. It's supposed to be the most haunted dorm on campus and we were asked to investigate the dorm by one of the inhabitants. It was rather routine, and the only real evidence was a picture that Tim took. You can see the picture on his blog

Friday, March 9, 2012

Michele, Ben/Tim, and my Drunken Rant

I’ve always found it strange that it can be a blistering cold one day and in the high 70’s the next. Yet, this is what I’ve experienced this past week.
 While the week had been hell for me (cramming for midterms, group projects and the like) I was moderately surprised that when Friday came, the weekend cleared up for me. And further, that it was beautiful all weekend.
On Friday I went out to Copper Beech with my new roommate, Michele, and some of her friends. Despite my prior expectations of her being a cheerleader (she is) and being obnoxiously girly (she is) I can’t help but find myself liking her. And I found myself liking her friends, as well.
 But as many Friday nights in Morgantown go, some gets a little too drunk, pukes, and makes an ass of themselves. In the past, I’ve prided myself on knowing when I’ve had enough and I know to keep myself composed.
This time I was the ass. And some poor sod had to take care of me. His name may have been Ben or Tim, but who knows?
 The remainder of the evening I know only through stories relayed by Michele and Ben/Tim. I was found in a dingy bathroom in a heap on the floor. Ben/Tim said that he heard someone bawling inside and when he went to knock he heard, “Help! I can’t find the door!”
Although the door was unlocked and allowed him easy entry, he said that it still took him a while to get me to calm down. I was hysterical, screaming (much to my embarrassment) that in addition to not finding a door, the walls were also closing in “that little boy in the rocking chair keeps staring at me.”
I don’t think I’ll be drinking anymore.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Third Investigation: West Run Road

We've been into Cemeteries lately. Last night we met up at the West Run Road cemetery at around midnight. It was pretty chilly, and I was glad that I had packed Michele's north face.
Like the last cemetery, nothing really happened worthy of note. Although we're still going through pictures and film so fingers crossed.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Second Investigation: Oak Grove Cemetary

I'm typing out a quick post while it's still fresh in my mind.
Investigating with MAPI (we've decided on a name) has been something of a rush for me. I've been finding myself researching hauntings in class, dreaming of investigations, and embarrassingly enough, opting out on parties to plan more investigations.
So, of course, I feigned a cold when Michele asked if I was coming out tonight - last night - I don't know.
Cassie texted me earlier today -yesterday- to see if I was free to investigate Oak Grove Cemetery. I immediately told her I would.
While the investigation turned up slim results, I still had more fun trespassing in a cemetery than I would have if I'd gone with Michele. Peter and I managed to get a few interesting pictures. I can't post them because I'm still looking through all of the pictures to see if I missed something.
I'm already excited for the next adventure.